Be courageous, seize the right opportunity at the right time

Initially, we visited Lucie Schnurrer because she exhibits Tezer jewellery as a gallery owner and thus has a personal connection to Tezer, as well as our shared appreciation of aesthetics, culture, and craftsmanship. The numerous stories and experiences Lucie shared with us were not what we were expecting: working as a nurse did not fulfill Lucie. Influenced by her travels and interest in arts and culture, she opens the Schmuckgallerie Aquamarin in Berlin in 1997 - teaching herself everything she knows about goldsmithing and the industry independently.

Earstuds, 585 gold

Ring, 585 gold

Lucie Schnurrer's fiery red hair is the first thing we notice when she opens the door and greets us at her home in Berlin. For the first few minutes, we look around, absorbing all the colorful impressions, exploring the smallest details, and asking what's coming from where. Seeing Lucie's home, it is clear to see she has an eye for aesthetics and has discovered many countries and cultures.
Necklace, 925 silver gold-plated

Geprägt durch eine andere Art zu leben

Die 62-Jährige wuchs in der Eifel auf und kommt aus einfachen Verhältnissen. In ihrer Schulzeit, den 60er- und 70er-Jahren, wurde bei Mädchen weniger Wert auf Bildung gelegt und nach ihrem Hauptschulabschluss machte Lucie eine Ausbildung zur Krankenschwester. Mit 21 Jahren reiste sie dann das erste Mal für ein halbes Jahr nach Indien und erfuhr eine andere Wirklichkeit, als sie sie bisher aus Deutschland kannte. Mit einem Reiseplan in DIN-A4-Größe und ohne Reiseführer – Google Maps gab es zu dem Zeitpunkt schließlich noch nicht – fuhr sie gemeinsam mit Freunden durch ganz Indien: „Ich hatte vorher schon Fotos gesehen, aber die Realität war so viel bunter und intensiver! Dort sind die Farben und Gerüche ganz anders, manchmal auch zu intensiv, und wo heute ein Hotel steht, haben wir früher in einer kleinen Hütte allein am Strand gefeiert“ erzählt Lucie. Sie berichtet von einem Besuch des Taj Mahal, dem Baden im Ganges und dass sie ihre Erlebnisse dort als pure Freiheit wahrgenommen hat.

Influenced through a different way of living

The 62-year-old grew up in a humble upbringing in Eifel. Women's education was not given much attention in the 1960s and 1970s, so after graduating from secondary school, she began her training as a nurse. After traveling through India for half a year at 21, she encountered a different reality than the one she was used to in Germany. Together with her friends, she travelled through India with a paper map, without a tour guide, and before Google Maps had existed. "I'd seen photos before, but the reality was so much more vivid and colorful!" "There the colors and smells are very different, sometimes too intense, and where there is a hotel today, we used to celebrate alone on the beach in a small hut," Lucie explains. A visit to the Taj Mahal and bathing in the Ganges are among the experiences she describes as being pure freedom.
She returned to Germany with a sense of having the opportunity to realize herself, and completed her Abitur. Because of love, Lucie moved to Berlin in the mid-1980s and studied philosophy and Spanish. With her then boyfriend, a diving instructor, she swam around the world, and realized that philosophy was not right for her.
After working as a nurse for 20 years, Lucie felt she needed a change. She started her studies as a social worker, but the question of what she would do with her degree made her question her studies. Although she had decided on the topic of her diploma thesis, she chose to quit her studies.
Die indische Kultur hat Lucie beeindruckt und verändert: Wieder in Deutschland angekommen, wurde sie sich bewusst, dass auch sie die Möglichkeit hat, sich zu verwirklichen, und holt drei Jahre lang das Abitur nach. Wegen der Liebe zieht sie Mitte der 80er-Jahre nach Berlin, um Philosophie und Spanisch zu studieren. Mit ihrem damaligen Freund, einem Tauchlehrer, schnorchelte sie „durch die ganze Weltgeschichte“ und merkte, dass das Philosophie-Studium nicht das Richtige für sie war. Zusätzlich arbeitete Lucie mehr als 20 Jahre immer auch als Krankenschwester, fühlte sich hier mit der Zeit jedoch unwohler. Und auch ein zweiter Versuch mit einem Studium in sozialer Arbeit warf in Lucie die Frage auf, was sie mit dem Studium machen möchte. Als das Thema für ihre Diplomarbeit schon feststand, entschloss sie sich, das Studium abzubrechen.
Earstuds, 585 gold

Earstuds, 925 silver gold-plated

Necklace, 925 silver gold-plated

Necklace, 925 silver gold-plated

"I'd seen photos before, but the reality was so much more vivid and colorful!"

Finally, doing something that makes me happy

Once again, Lucie asks herself how she should shape her life. She wanted to do something that fulfilled her and truly made her happy. As she had always been interested in arts and cultures, she knew many artists and collected art herself during her travels. During the 90s, she visited art fairs frequently, where she was asked if she wanted to exhibit at a weekend-art fair. "I had the courage to say yes." Lucie says.
When she was offered a small shop in the Fachwerkhof for arts and crafts in Berlin-Kreuzberg, she took the opportunity again and opened the Schmuckgallerie Aquamarin in 1997. The gallery developed well and after three years, Lucie moved to larger premises in Bergmannstraße.
Earring, 585 gold

Necklace, 925 silver gold-plated

Necklace, 925 silver gold-plated

“I had the courage to seize the right opportunity at the right time, and I am so grateful that this happened to me. I am allowed to sell beautiful things and thus shape personalities.” It was not always easy, as Lucie had no opportunity to hire employees at the beginning and ran the rat race by herself. At a later stage, when she had to get into her role as managing director, she says: "I always wanted to work alone and do my own thing. I had to learn the tasks as manager."

In ihrer Galerie und auch bei Lucie zuhause finden sich dabei immer wieder Assoziationen zum Orient und bunte Erinnerungsstücke von Lucies Reisen. Bei ihren Schmuckstücken konzentriert sich die 62-Jährige jedoch auf exklusive und wertige Stücke von etwa 60 Goldschmieden aus Europa – die meisten von ihnen sind übrigens Frauen. Lucie betont: „Mir ist wichtig, dass das Handwerk erkennbar ist.“ 2022 feiert die Schmuckgalerie mit diesem Konzept ihr 25-jähriges Jubiläum.

Continuously exploring new countries

The close relationship she has with her clients is what intrigues her most about her work, some of whom come to see her regularly from all over Germany. "I've accompanied some over many years, from graduating from university to having children or choosing an engagement ring. It's like I'm experiencing these events with them." Lucie tells us the impact her India trip has had on her still lives with her: she believes in karma, doesn't want to harm anyone, acts with integrity, and is content every day. She still sees travelling as a part of her life, especially through Asia, Thailand, Russia, South and North America, Georgia, Egypt, Morocco and, of course, India. "I would say I’m a traveler who enjoys being on the road and am delighted by every foreign culture."
Earstuds, 585 gold

Necklace, 925 silver gold-plated

Lucie’s favorite pieces

Within our interview series Me & Tezer we tell about women with exciting life stories around unique experiences, ideas, creative hobbies, families, and careers. We also visit Lucie Schnurrer because, as a gallery owner, she exhibits jewellery by Tezer and thus not only has a personal relationship with Tezer, but also shares our interest in aesthetics, culture, and craftsmanship.

Story: Bea Meder

470 kilometers, 30 days, and 15 kilograms on her back

At the beginning of 2022, the Corona pandemic prompts Bea Meder to take an exciting step: She wants to hike from Barcelona to Valencia in 30 days, covering some 470 kilometers on foot - even though she spent most of the previous two years at her desk. A few months after her hike, we visit the 35-year-old at home in Wuppertal and listen to experiences that could fill an entire book and always give you goosebumps.